jeudi 10 octobre 2013

The Law of the Land Barely Resembles Its Original Mission In My Opinion

We need to respect our nation's laws, and I don't think very many people would disregard that statement. However, when we stop and look at the way the Supreme Court, the law of the land is deciding cases, sometimes we have to shake our heads because, well, it just doesn't seem right. It often appears to be too arbitrary, politically motivated, politically correct, or trying to prevent a riot rather than following the Constitution. When these things happen for political reasons we often call that; "Legislating from the Bench" and we are just seeing too much of it these days I'm afraid.
No, this article is not discussing gay rights, or anything like that, the reason for this article stems from the ObamaCare ruling if you must know, and I think it is fair and transparent that you do know my motivation here, even if you disagree and side with the court on that particular issue. Still, what I really want to talk about is how I see a problematic pattern forming in the decisions made and the cases they choose to hear.
The New York Times noted on October 6, 2013 that the Supreme Court was coming back from recess and had some 50-cases backed up. The article titled; "The Supreme Court" by the NYTs editorial "supreme" board, more like a Taco Bell classic "burrito supreme" with extra onions to peel and sour crème - in my opinion.
Look here is how I see it, and hear me out before you counter these arguments. It appears to me that our Supreme Court has been hijacked by socialist and PC thinking to the point of absurdity - it's a total embarrassment to anyone with an IQ over 125. Further, why is it that every justice went to Harvard or Yale - that alone is WRONG! That is scary - they were all brainwashed by the same academic elite, and check this out, Academia cannot even run its own affairs why would be let it run our Government?
Lastly, from the outside looking in we are treating these people like God's - they are not - in fact, they are making a mockery of the very Constitution they claim and swore to uphold? We've essentially become a nation by the lawyers and for the lawyers - there is no honor in that, it's quite pathetic actually - deny it, debate me, bring your best game, cite facts. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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